Ella never built anything before undertaking a tiny home. She attended the Tumbleweed workshop and began building her Tumbleweed Cypress the next month. Her enthusiasm was and is contagious. You will love her story. First of all, where can we get neighbor like hers? You’ve got to read this post. How kind! Ella really lets you in on the process and it shows in every post. Oh, and the pics? AMAZING!
After building her Tiny House Ella joined Tumbleweed and taught workshops all over the country. Read more about Ella and her tiny home called “Little Yellow” on her blog.
When asked what her favorite part of her tiny house was, she answered “The kitchen. Or my yellow door. Or my window seat. Or…this could go on for a while.” The only thing she wants to change is her aluminum windows. Maybe some wood windows are in her future?
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